Ph. 0412 729 938

Covid 19 Policy



Ground LocationPO BOX 501 WOLLONGONG2020
Club Facility LocationWarrawong Public School Cowper street, in the “old Hall” located at the rear of the school after entering the gates
Club President/Association CEORod Fisher Director President / Ces Gonzales Secretary
Contact Mobile Number0412729938
Versionv0.4. 20072020  July 20 2020
M HEIMDALL is responsible for this document


  1. The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has published a “Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment” to inform the resumption of sporting activity in Australia, including community sport. Sport Australia has separately developed a “Return to Sport Checklist for Clubs and Associations” that provides operational guidance to local sporting clubs and associations on considerations that should be taken into account to appropriately resume sport and club operations.
  2. To support the AIS and Sport Australia return to sport documents, Sport Australia has developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan. This can be used by associations and clubs to consolidate their planning for the resumption of activities at its club. Your association/club should review the Sport Australia Checklist and document its operational requirements for return to sport in the Appendix to this COVID-19 Safety Plan.
  3. Your association/club’s COVID-19 Safety Plan should be appropriately ratified within your club’s governance arrangements and regularly reviewed to ensure it remains fit for purpose and aligned with the AIS Framework, government restricted activity measures, public health advice and health and safety laws.
  4. DISCLAIMER: This does not constitute legal or health and safety advice. A club should take its own professional advice regarding the development and contents of its COVID-19 Safety Plan.

Table of Contents

1.    Introduction  4

2.    Key Principles  4

3.    Responsibilities under this Plan  5

4.    Return to Sport Arrangements  5

4.1   AIS Framework Arrangements  5

4.2   Roadmap to a COVIDSafe Australia  6

5.    Recovery  6

Appendix: Outline of Return to Sport Arrangements  7

Part 1 – Sport Operations  7

Part 2 – Facility Operations  9

  1. 1.      Introduction

The purpose of this COVID-19 Safety Plan is to provide an overarching plan for the implementation and management of procedures by NATIONAL SPORTING BODY to support JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG and its members and participants in the staged resumption of community sport and club activities.

The arrangements set out in this Plan are intended to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among members, participants, coaches, officials, administrators/volunteers, visitors, families and the broader community. The Plan provides the framework to govern the general operation of the JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG, any facilities it controls, the playing/training behaviour of all members and participants and the monitoring and reporting of the health of attendees at JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG facility.

This Plan includes, but is not limited to, the conduct of:

  1. staged training and competition activities (sport operations); and
    1. facility management and supporting operations (facility operations).

At all times the Plan is subject to all regulations, guidelines and directions of government and public health authorities.

This Plan is based on, and accepts, the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment (AIS Framework) and the National Principles for the Resumption of Sport and Recreation Activities (National Principles).

The Plan also accepts as key principles that:

  • The health and safety of members, participants, coaches, officials, administrators/volunteers, visitors, families and the broader community is the number one priority;
  • Members, participants, coaches, officials, administrators/volunteers, families and the broader community need to be engaged and briefed on JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG’s return to sport plans;
  • Facilities are assessed and appropriate plans are developed to accommodate upgraded hygiene protocols, physical distancing and other measures to mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19;
  • Training cannot resume until the arrangements for sport operations and facility operations are finalised and approved, if necessary; and
  • At every stage of the return to sport process JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG must consider and apply all applicable State and Territory Government and local restrictions and regulations. JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG needs to be prepared for any localised outbreak at our facilities, within our competitions or in the local community.

JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG retains the overall responsibility for the effective management and implementation of the return to sport activities and operations outlined in this Plan.

The Committee of JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG is responsible for:

  • Approving the Plan and overseeing the implementation of the arrangements in the Plan; and
  • Revising the Plan as required, ensuring it reflects up to date information from government and public health officials.

The Committee has appointed the following person as the JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG COVID-19 Safety Coordinator to execute the delivery of the Plan and to act as a point of contact for information relating to this Plan:

NameRod Fisher President / Director, Ces Gonzales secretary, Mr Heimdall senior coach
Contact Number0412729938

JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG expects all members, participants, coaches, officials, administrative staff and volunteers to:

  • Comply with the health directions of government and public health authorities as issued from time to time;
  • Understand and act in accordance with this Plan as amended from time to time;
  • Comply with any testing and precautionary measures implemented by JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG;
  • Act with honesty and integrity in regard to the state of their personal health and any potential symptoms; and
  • Monitor their health and take a cautious approach to self-isolation and reporting of potential symptoms.
  • 4.      Return to Sport Arrangements

As at the date of this Plan, participants are training at Level C of the AIS Framework. The Plan outlines specific sport requirements that JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG will implement for Level B and Level C of the AIS Framework.

JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG will transition to the training activity and facility use as outlined in Level B of the AIS Framework and the training/competition activities and facility use outlined in Level C of the AIS Framework when permitted under local restrictions and regulations.

The protocols for conducting sport operations and facility operations Level C of the AIS Framework are set out in the Appendix.

JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG will also comply with the Australian government’s Roadmap to a COVIDSafe Australia, which places limits on the type of activity that can be conducted and the number of people who can gather at facilities, notwithstanding the activities permitted by the AIS Framework (see below).

AIS ActivitiesLevel C: Full sporting activity (training and competition) allowed. No restriction on numbers. Contact allowed.
Roadmap ActivitiesStep 3: Venues allowed to operate with up to 100 people with physical distancing. Community sport expansion to be considered consistent with AIS Framework.Further steps TBC

When public health officials determine that the outbreak has ended in the local community JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG will consult with relevant authorities to identify criteria for scaling back its COVID-19 prevention actions. JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG will also consider which protocols can remain to optimise good public and participant health.

At this time the Committee of JUDO-1 WOLLONGONG will consult with key stakeholders to review the delivery of its return to sport arrangements and use feedback to improve organisational plans and systems.

Appendix: Outline of Return to Sport Arrangements

Note –provided in this Appendix relate to Club operations. Adjustments may be made for the return to sport arrangements of Associations

Part 1 – Sport Operations

AreaPlan Requirements (Level C)
1 ApprovalsThe club must obtain the following approvals to allow a return to training/competition at Level C: Relaxation of public gathering restrictions to enable training to occur.National/state sporting body/local association approval to return to training/competition for community sport.Club committee agreed to the restart for a return to club training.NSW Office of Sport     NSW Government      
2 Training ProcessesLevel C Protocols (1 July 2020) AIS Framework principles – full sporting activity that can be conducted in groups of any size (subject to COVIDSafe Roadmap) including full contact.On arrival all who wish to enter the training facility MUST remove the foot wear worn on arrival these are to be left outside the training facility and a clean new slip on pair to be worn in and around the inside of the training facility this includes to and from the toilets. This applies to all including students, family members and visitors.All visitors remain at 1.5mts social distancing: how to greet people: will be marked in accordance with social distancing application. Attendance records check and verificationAttendee pre-training temperature and personal hygiene process and checksAttendee post-training personal hygiene process and exitCleaning of Dojo Mat area and equipment for next sessionClub to emphasise AIS Framework principle of “Get in, train, get out” – arrive ready to train.Length and scheduling of training sessions to reduce overlap.45minLimit unnecessary social gatherings we have 15 persons seated at any 1 time.Clearly outline nature of training permitted. Access to treatment from support staff.Sanitising requirements, including use of sanitising stations.Treatment of shared equipment judo throw mat (e.g. sanitise equipment before, during, after sessions) and use of such equipment to be limited Personal hygiene encouraged (e.g. wash hands prior to training, no spitting or coughing).May use and train with Australian standard medially approved material face mask.Must try to sneeze / cough into your wipes that can be disposed of Training / playing attendance register keptindoor, full contact between each round student will sanitize Judo bowing (rei) only  Room & Mat capacity -4 sqm p/person •Up to room capacityTraining inclusions •Individual and partner-based exercise •Uchi-komi (including drills) for Tachi-waza(throwing) and Ne-waza(grappling). •Nage-komi(throwing) including drills. •Tachi-wazarandori (standing full-contact sparring) •Ne-wazarandori (full-contact grappling) •Integrated randori (includes both Tachi-wazaand Ne-waza)
3 Personal healthRequirements Must continue from Level B. Gradual return to sport to avoid injuryAdvice to players, coaches to not attend if unwell (including any signs/symptoms of cold, flu, COVID-19 or other illness).Washing of hands prior to, during and after training and use of hand sanitiser where available. Members should have their own person sanitiser in their bag next to the mat area.Avoid coughing, clearing nose on the mat area, NO spitting etc. Student should carry wipes / tissues that can be disposed ofWeb sites people can use: Rub hands   wash hands: own training uniform and wash personal equipment at the end of each session.
4 HygieneHygiene and cleaning measures to continue from Level B.Guidelines for sanitisation and cleaning, including requirements for sanitisation stations including but not limited to the cleaning of door handles after each classSanitize station is placed on entry to the hall.All players are required to have their own small hand sanitizer to be used after each round.
5 CommunicationsHow Club will brief players, coaches, members and families on Level C protocols including hygiene protocols (e.g email, text message, Facebook post) and reinforcement of hand washing and general hygiene etiquette.Continued endorsement of government COVIDSafe app and encouragement to players, coaches, members and families to download and use app.How individuals can access mental health and wellbeing counselling services viaUse the link for all the Covid19 updates: checker: Office of Sport     NSW Government National Covid19 help line: 1800 020 080

Part 2 – Facility Operations

AreaPlan Requirements (Level C)

1 ApprovalsThe club must obtain the following approvals to allow use of club facilities at Level C: State/Territory Government approval of the resumption of facility operations.Local government has given approval to use of facility, if required.Club committee has approved plan for use of club facilities
2 FacilitiesReturn to full use of Club facilities.Video on how to greet people: and cleaning protocols measures apply.Provision of appropriate health and safety equipment, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and personal hygiene cleaning solutions appliedUse the link for all the Covid19 updates:
3 Facility accessContinue Level B protocols as appropriate.Who may attend the club facilities: gathering numbers should not exceed government allowances (COVIDSafe Roadmap maximum gatherings: On arrival all who wish to enter the training facility MUST remove the foot wear worn on arrival these are to be left outside the training facility and a clean new slip on pair to be worn in and around the inside of the training facility this includes to and from the toilets. This applies to all including students, family members and visitors. No Spectators allowed only 1 family member should observe physical distancing requirements (1.5 metres) and density requirements (one person per 4 square metres).Managed access including managed traffic flows, stagger arrival / departure times.Non-essential personnel to be discouraged from entering building.Physical distancing protocols including use of zones in club, change rooms, kitchen including by use of physical zone indicators.General advice on physical distancing in club facilities including discouraging face to face meetings where possible, restricting site visitors to zero for now, deferring or splitting up large meetings.Detailed attendance registers to be kept on entry to the building.
4 HygieneContinue hygiene and cleaning measures as per Level B]. Use the link for all the Covid19 updates: and sanitise shared equipment •methods include hand cleaning with wipes, mechanical disinfectant. Communal areas –general floor (entrance, dojo non tatami areas etc) •disinfectant and general cleaning products (Daily at the end of the day) Communal areas – toilet facilities. •Disinfect contact points (e.g. handles). disinfectant (2X or 3X times per day depending on area) Judo tatami and training equipment. disinfectant and general cleaning products (before 1st session and then after each session)Judo shared individual club training equipment (throw mats, balls, uchi-komi bands etc) •disinfectant and general cleaning products (before each training session) •equipment is not allowed to be shared during training sessions Waste bins: •Regular clearing and cleaning (minimum daily) must have a secure closed lid.
5 Management of unwell participantsMeasures as per Level B.Assist in sending information: the link for all the Covid19 updates: checker: National Covid19 help line : 1800 020 080
6 Club responsibilitiesThe club will oversee Use the link for all the Covid19 updates: and conduct of hygiene protocols as per the Plan. The capture of a record of attendance at all training and club activities and maintaining an up-to-date log of attendance.Coordination of Level C field and training operations.Operation of the club’s facilities in support of all Level C training activities in accordance with this Plan